About  -  Max D Hutto  

My life in service to the Lord Jesus!

  • Born and raised in Monroe, Louisiana.
  • Accepted Jesus as personal Savior and Lord in 1968.
  • Called to the Ministry in 1975.  License in 1982.  Ordination to the Gospel Ministry in 1983.
  • Degrees from Louisiana College, Bachelor of Arts (BA 1981), and from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, Masters of Religious Education (MRE 1984), and a Masters of Divinity with Specialization in Worship Ministries (MDiv 2019).
  • Married in 1981, 2 children.
  • Began serving on the staff of churches in 1976.
  • Served on the staff of 10 churches in Louisiana and in Texas.
  • Retired on March 31, 2024 from serving at Mooringsport Baptist Church.
  • Began writing The Upward Look in 1989.
  • Created my first web site in 1996.
  • "The Greatest Thing to Ever Happen to Me"




It is my joy to sing praises to our wonderful Lord Jesus Christ.



"Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you,
 with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another
 with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,
 singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God."
 Colossians 3:16 (NASB)


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